The Changing Brain
Michael Valenzuela
There is a saying that you can never dip your toe into the same river twice. The same applies to the brain because at a quite fundamental level it is ...
The contrasting need for food and biofuel: Can we afford biofuel?
Peter Gresshoff
Our world in the second decade of the 21st century is characterised by extensive growth of the human population (7.2 billion humans in 2014, with one billion extra expected in ...
The future is here
Louise Schaper
We are living in the future. No, seriously ... we are, it is true! What was once mere ideas introduced to us through the minds of science-fiction writers has now ...
The future of genetics
Zornitza Stark & Kathryn North
It took over 10 years and US$3 billion to sequence the first human genome. Next generation sequencing (NGS) technolo- gies have made it possible to replicate this feat in a ...
The lottery of genetics
Laura Beaton
It’s Saturday morning, which means pancakes. After a long drive out to the quiet suburbs of regional Victoria, I arrive too late for the pancakes — but I am where ...
The simple case for germline gene editing
Christopher Gyngell and Julian Savulescu
For over three decades, scientists have had the ability to alter the genomes of other species of animals. Using viruses to alter DNA sequences, scientists were able to create a ...
Diana Stojanovski
Mitochondrial disease – insight from a cell biologist!
As an undergraduate student, I encountered an unexpected love; a love for cell biology and a compartment found within the confines of each of our ...
Michael Valenzuela
The Changing Brain
There is a saying that you can never dip your toe into the same river twice. The same applies to the brain because at a ...
Susan Walker & Lisa Hui
Prenatal testing
In the course of a generation, the information available to families regarding the health and future of their unborn children has been transformed. In the ...
Toby Walsh
We must ban killer robots
How will Artificial Intelligence change war? Hollywood has it wrong. It won’t be Terminator, robots with sentience, that transform warfare. It will be much simpler ...
Elizabeth T. Williams, Caitlin M. Bentley, Katherine A. Daniell, Noel Derwort, Kobi Leins, and Ehsan Nabavi
Complexity is not new: how our own technological history can teach us about AI
What do the words “artificial intelligence” evoke for you? Hopes? Fears? A shiny, personalised future with a place for everyone? A dystopian landscape, peppered with ...
Brian T. Wilson
Common medical conditions in which genes play a role
Genes influence every aspect of a person’s health, from the ability to resist infection with a pathogen, to how medication is metabolised, to mental health ...