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Dr Belinda Barnet

Belinda Barnet is Senior Lecturer in Media at Swinburne with research interests in digital cultures, social media, the app economy, data analytics, AI, data privacy, cyberstalking, and the history of digital media. Her current projects include examining the role of automation in speech rehabilitation in order to improve the use of Cochlear Implants in deaf children, and investigating Shadow Data. Alongside her research work, Dr Barnet has worked as Service Delivery Manager (Wireless Content Services) for Ericsson Australia. She is the author of “Memory Machines: the Evolution of Hypertext” (Anthem Press UK, 2013).

Professor Robin Batterham AO

Robin Batterham is Kernot Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Melbourne. Previously, he was Chief Scientist of Australia (1999–2006) and President of the Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (2007–2012). Throughout his long and distinguished career in the industry and government, Professor Batterham has been devoted to furthering energy research, and is deeply involved with the Melbourne Energy Institute.

Dr Laura Beaton

Laura Beaton graduated with a Doctor of Medicine from The University of Melbourne in 2015. Prior to finding her ‘home’ in general practice, she trained at Royal Melbourne Hospital and Western Health. Before medicine, Laura worked in biomedical research and science communication. She has special interests in minor procedures, family planning, preventative medicine, primary care research, medical education and sustainability. She also works non-clinically as a Lecturer in Primary Care at the Department of General Practice at Melbourne Medical School, The University of Melbourne teaching the next generation of GPs.

Distinguished Professor Larissa Behrendt AO

Larissa Behrendt is the Distinguished Professor at the University of Technology Sydney and at the Director of Research and Academic Programs Jumbunna Institute of Indigenous Education and Research. She is a member of the Academy of Arts and Sciences and a founding member of the Australian Academy of Law. Larissa won the 2002 David Uniapon Award and a 2005 Commonwealth Writer’s Prize for her novel Home. Her second novel, Legacy, won a Victorian Premiers Literary Award. She is also an award winning filmmaker. Larissa was awarded the 2009 NAIDOC Person of the Year award and 2011 NSW Australian of the Year.

Dr Caitlin Bentley

Caitlin Bentley joined the Information School at the University of Sheffield in 2020, as a lecturer in AI-enabled information systems. Prior to that, Caitlin worked at the 3A Institute, Australian National University, where she contributed to the development of a branch of engineering to manage artificial intelligence at scale and make a positive impact. Caitlin previously worked within the area of information and communications technologies for development.

Dr Peter A Berger

Peter A Berger is a dermatologist who founded the Melbourne Skin Clinic in 1972. He graduated with MBBS in Melbourne in 1963 and has been a fellow of the Australasian College of Dermatologists since 1971. His previous public appointments include the Royal Children’s Hospital, Box Hill Hospital and Hitchcock Clinic, Dartmouth Medical School, N.H. USA. He has previously been involved with the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre, Aboriginal Health Service Melbourne and Medical Panels Tribunal Victoria. His key areas of interests include: prevention, diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases including cancer, medico legal questions, and promoting skin health to the general public.

Dr Bill Birnbauer

Bill Birnbauer was a print journalist in Melbourne for 33 years. He worked at The Herald, The Age and The Sunday Age. His roles included investigative reporter, feature writer, State political reporter, medical reporter, chief of staff, news editor and night editor. He taught at the School of Media, Film and Journalism at Monash University. After completing a PhD at Swinburne University he published The rise of nonprofit investigative journalism in the United States. He serves as the vice chair of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists network committee and has roles at several other public interest journalism and university organisations.

Dr Grant Blashki

Grant Blashki has been a practicing GP for 25 years and is the Lead Clinical Advisor for Beyond Blue. He is an Associate Professor at the Nossal Institute and the Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute at the University of Melbourne. He is an Honorary Professor at Luohu Hospital Group in Shenzhen, China and is a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. He was a cofounder of Doctors for the Environment Australia and has participated as an Al Gore Climate Reality Leader six times since 2006. He has published six books and over 125 peer-reviewed journal articles.

Samuel Blashki

Samuel Blashki completed a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws at Monash University. He is currently a Solicitor at the Victorian Government Solicitor’s Office.

Susan A. Blashki

Susan Blashki is a Nationally Accredited Mediator and a Nationally Accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner. She is also a former Magistrate in Victoria, having recently retired after 20 years on the bench. She is a member of the Victorian Bar. Susan is a member of a number of Dispute Resolution organisations, including the Australian Mediation Association (AMA), the Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators (IAMA) and LEADR.

Professor Bruce Bonyhady

Bruce Bonyhady is a disability reformer, economist, one of the key architects of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and was the inaugural Chair of the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) from 2013 to 2016. Professor Bonyhady began his career in the Australian Treasury and also worked in economic consulting, funds management and insurance in Australia and the UK, before becoming a non-executive director.

Dr Marianne Broadbent

Marianne Broadbent works in leadership, management and strategy, with a particular emphasis shaping and developing organisation strategic executive and team capabilities. Her background includes global business executive roles and Business School leadership. Prior to joining NGS Global as a Managing Partner, she was global Senior Vice President for New Product Development at Gartner. Marianne is the author of The Agile Executive: Embracing Career Risks and Rewards and two previous Harvard Business School Press bestsellers, including The New CIO Leader.

Professor Graham Brown

Formerly the James Stewart Professor of Medicine at the University of Melbourne and Head of the Department of Medicine (Royal Melbourne Hospital/Western Hospital), Graham Brown is Foundation Director of the Nossal Institute for Global Health, an initiative of the University of Melbourne that aims to improve global health through research, evaluation, education, advocacy, development assistance and development of future leaders. Professor Bown worked in Tanzania and Papua New Guinea before commencing a research career studying immunity to malaria, ending as Head of the Divison of Infection and Immunity at The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research.

Dr Catherin Bull AM

Catherin Bull is Emeritus Professor of Landscape Architecture at the University of Melbourne and Adjunct Professor at QUT. She is an advocate for the better planning, design and development of Australian cities and environments and serves on expert panels and juries nationally, advising on strategy, project procurement and delivery.  She received her Masters in Landscape Architecture from the University of Melbourne and her doctorate from Harvard University. She has served on the boards of the National Capital Authority, Abbotsford Covent Foundation, Phillip Island Nature Parks and as Chair of South Bank Corporation and director of Building Queensland.

Professor Mark Buntine

Mark Buntine is the President of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute and Head of the Department of Chemistry at Curtin University. His experimental research uses lasers to explore a range of chemical phenomena, employing a variety of spectroscopic approaches to characterise molecular structure. He also undertakes computational chemistry research involving electronic structure methods. Professor Buntine is a founder and Director of the Advancing Science by Enhancing Learning in the Laboratory (ASELL) project.

Dr Susie Burke

Susie Burke is a psychologist, researcher, writer, and climate change campaigner with a background in individual and couples therapy, group work, conflict resolution, disaster psychology, parenting issues, and environmental issues. For 17 years she was the senior psychologist at the Australian Psychological Society and developed resources, training programs and workshops on a variety of social issues. She has authored a number of resources including the Psychological First Aid Handbook, the Climate Change Empowerment Handbook, and other materials on coping with climate change, raising children for a climate altered world, and disaster preparedness and recovery.

Julian Burnside AO

Julian Burnside AO QC is an Australian barrister who practices principally in commercial litigation, trade practises and administrative law. He is also a human rights and refugee advocate, and author. Julian stood as a candidate for the Greens in his local electorate of Kooyong in the 2019 federal election.

Professor Sir Ed Byrne AC

Ed Byrne was the President and Principal of King’s College London from 2014 to 2021, and the Chairman of King’s Health Partners. Prior to joining King’s, Professor Byrne was the President and Vice-Chancellor of Monash University from 2009 – 2014. He is a neuroscientist and clinician by background. He qualified in medicine at the University of Tasmania in 1974 and subsequently trained as a neurologist in both Adelaide and London. He is a fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, the Royal Colleges of Physicians of London and Edinburgh, the American Academy and the American Association of Neurology.